Then it was off to breakfast at the cafe with fellow future journalist K, where I ate my first NY bagel and tasted absolutely no difference. But I did get the best coffee ever. We then headed over to my first collegiate class, Intro to Journalism, where I got so excited for my major. The class is pretty writing intensive, and we're required to do field work. Today we had to memorize and recite aloud the first amendment to the constitution each alone in front of the class, which is only about 10 people. It's pretty sweet. One of our future assignments in on November 4th, we must cover the election, write an extended coverage of it, and submit it on a very real deadline of 3 a.m. Awesome.
One of the great things about college is that you can do anything for lunch, and I had a little picnic on the commons with friends B and R, relishing in the fact that this picnic was not actually themed nor sponsored by the college. Then it was off to Cultural Anthropology, where I actually found the class in the maze that is Williams Hall. Success! It sounds like a crazy interesting class, even if there is reading assignments that surpass Patricia Carballo-level even. Yay college!
After smoothies and a bit of hanging out, most of the Boot girls (females residing in Boothroyd hall, obviously) decided to all get dinner together and it was a blast. Then the Parkies among us, including myself, went to IC-TV Rush which was awesome. I've signed up to work teleprompting and writing on The Gridiron Report, who's producers got to go to Beijing this year, and The Ithaca Inquirer, Ithaca's Colbert-esque political satire news show. I really hope I get to work on them! IC-TV is the oldest college tv-station in the world! It's its fiftieth anniversary this year, and it's a big to-do.
Now I've got some Anthropology reading to do. Tomorrow, classes and the Ithacan rush.
Oh, and I feel quite guilty because I decided not to do crew and didn't go to the info meeting. Then the coach sent me an e-mail, telling me it's okay since you probably had something going on, come to the physical please, bring athletic clothes, etc.
But I do like flattery!