Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's Raining in Ithaca

Shocking, I know. But it has actually been nice up here since my arrival last week--no, better than nice.

I've spent this past week trying to do little more than love college and settle into my new apartment. I'm living with 5 of the most diverse ladies you could ever imagine.

There's Ashley, my roommate extraordinaire, who somehow manages to exude equal amounts collected maturity when laughing about poop as she does when discussing neurological rehabilitation.

There's Rachel, who has really taken on the job of making our house a home. Without Rachel I'm pretty sure we'd be far less organized and far more dysfunctional.

There's Carol, who will probably be on top of the Forbes Most-Powerful list within the decade, and is the only one in the house who cannot STAND musical theatre.

There's Bekah, who majors in physical therapy, holds three jobs,  TAs in SEA KAYAKING at Cornell, and still manages to find time to serenade us on her ukelele.

And there's Maddy, who tells the absolute funniest stories I have ever heard, runs more than anyone I've ever met, and somehow manages to climb up the front balcony when she gets locked out.

This week I've taken advantage of Ithaca and just enjoyed hanging with my roommates. On Monday, the women's team went on a hike through Buttermilk Falls. Given the incline of the hike, it was more of a climb. I was sore for days. On Wednesday, we cruelly had our first 30 minute piece. I assume it was supposed to be a sick "happy first day of classes!" present. I destroyed it, and became relieved that all that running in the DC humidity this summer seems to be paying off.

On Saturday, we took advantage of the heat and went swimming in the gorges. I haven't taken enough time over my four years to appreciate the incredible nature around Ithaca. Nothing caps off a summer like swimming under a waterfall.

Sunday, by some strange twist of fate, I got wrapped into an all-day beach volleyball tournament. Yes, we have a sand court on campus. No, I do not know how to play volleyball. Yes, I actually kind of figured it out. No, I do not have any sort of future in this sport. However, it was a hilarious and exhausting experience, and I'm glad I did it. If you're wondering, my team lost in the finals.

On Monday we ran a timed mile and I ran nearly 3 minutes faster than I ever did in high school. Really. I mean, sure, I was originally quite terrible, but that's pretty darn cool, right?

And then on Tuesday I got paired with my fellow tall blonde teammate Tessa to scull a double. We were excited because Becky assigned us to the super new, thin, fast, flashy WinTech. It was actually our downfall, because:

1. I have sculled with other people probably twice in my life.


2. Tessa had one of her oarlocks backwards


3. The two of us enjoyed distracting each other like the 4 year olds we are.


4. The thing was like the weight of a pen.


5. I don't even know.

All of these factors are what I assume led the two of us to flip into Cayuga's grimy waters on a gray, chilly Ithaca afternoon. Only our egos were hurt, and we laughed the whole rest of practice. Even with the cold.