I merely expressed my opinion that non-state actors will never be able to surpass the influence of nation-states, especially in the creation of a peaceful global system, because they lack any mechanism of enforcement for their decisions and policies because they have no legitimate control over the use of force. Therefore, any perceived power in non-state actors like the UN is really that of the economically and militarily dominant nations that already pursue their own selfish interests at the expense of smaller nations.
And she said:
"My, my, quite the pessimist, aren't you?"
If I hadn't been busy blushing up a storm, I would have replied that I'm not a pessimist, my parents just raised me in D.C. I was also kind of pleased. In that class I seriously have to check myself to stop talking so much and dominating discussions. It's kind of Hermione Granger-syndrome, but I don't actually know all that much, I just like to express my opinions.
Well...let's call it "analysis."
Maybe someday I'll be a pundit. Oh, my parents would be so proud. Yelling at people on a t.v. split-screen is totally a noble profession.
I should be doing work. Because I will never master the spanish language if I don't learn the word for "executioner."
It's verdugo.
Which totally sounds like the name of a vegetable. And I just spent 20 minutes on Google Translation trying to find one in spanish that sounded like it.
No dice.
I'm actually going to go do work now.