In fact, it was so sunny and hot yesterday at our regatta, I got my first ugly uniform tan/burn! At our race we lost to the University of Rochester, but we also dropped 25 seconds off our time from last week. You can't ask for much more than that.
After the race, I headed to my roommate's house, where I was fed amazing food. This evening I'm going back to eat even more, despite my being in a semi-coma from all the insane amount of candy I've received in the past couple days. It is awesome. And also terrible, because I work out practically twice a day and AM STILL GOING TO GET FAT. Maybe.
Or maybe not. Maybe if I close my eyes, those delicious Reese eggs have zero calories.
I'm going to go with that one.
Also, tomorrow is going to be one of the busiest days in my entire life. I'm sure it'll deserve its own post after the fact if I am still alive after it.
Hint: It begins promptly at 4:30 a.m.