Let me start off today's blog with a hearty welcome for my friend Laura and her roommate Kate to the blogosphere. They've just started blogging from room 314 at Providence College, and even if they only have one post so far, they're sure pretty to look at, at the very least.
I've been trying to convince all my friends to get blogs for some time now. Some people may find it lame that I sign up for everything: Twitter, blogging, Facebook, the whole nine yards. I just consider them technological manifestations of my awesomeness. And, I always want to be updated on my friends' lives.
Oh, and I'm a huge nerd.
On another note...
Which is all sort of hypocritical of me, seeing as I subscribe to Vogue. But then again, I also get Sports Illustrated, so I guess we'll just pretend that I like to look at pretty pictures. At least I don't get Cosmo. Their overwhelming self-congratulations of their supposed feminism really seems obnoxious to me.
Anyway, rant over THERE.
Yesterday I worked on a phone-a-thon to call accepted students in the Park School. Chatted with some pretty interesting journalism students and parents. The parents ALWAYS asked more questions than the students. The students in general seemed like they just wanted to go to bed already. It's a chronic symptom of senioritis. But it was certainly strange sitting there for an hour and a half calling tons of people I didn't know. Interesting. But strange.
I also did quite a few interviews yesterday, trying to shore up some more sources for an article for a class and getting in contact with the crew coach. It was all kind of exhausting.
Anyway, I'm off to a Relay for Life meeting. The fun really never ends!