This should be funnnnn.
I didn't end up updating again yesterday because I got distracted by the fact that it was Friday! I made cookies, watched a movie, and made collages with my dormmates, because it was raining and there was no way we were leaving.
We watched Jesus Christ Superstar, which I was pretty skeptical about to start with, but it was pretty awesome. My friend Michele kept having to explain to me what was happening, and at one point, she exclaimed, "ABBY seriously, didn't you ever go to VBS?!" VBS, apparently, stands for Vacation Bible School. In fact, I did once attend it, but the only thing I really remember from that is the time when an older girl told Claire and me if we ate the black watermelon seeds a watermelon would grow in our stomachs. This probably explains why I seriously had no idea who anyone was in this musical. Except Jesus. I could pick him out of a crowd. Andrew Lloyd Weber is awesome. I really enjoyed watching it.
This weekend and following week will be crazy. Many papers are due and there are tons of things to get done before I leave on Friday. Luckily, the next crazy week ends with a trip to an actual home with an actual bathroom in which the sink and the toilet are in the same area. There's also this little thing called the Bills and Jets game that will go along with my trip.
I really really don't want to go sit in the rain.
On the plus side, I am totally growing as a person because I just killed a giant bug that was flying around my room. But after I screamed and threw my binder at it, I had to get my friend C to come and take it away. She's so nice. I'm getting there. Someday I will be able to remove the bugs I kill.
The end. Good post, right?