I stress. A lot. Stuff happens. Deadlines catch up to you. Your desk gets unbelievably messy. The weather sucks. You haven't folded the laundry you did four days ago. Schedules conflict. Sleep is something you daydream about. You spend your life in the Park school and in the middle of a lake, wearing spandex.
For clarification purposes, yes, I am often wearing spandex in Park.
But today, we won. My boat won it's first race ever by rowing better than we ever had. At the end I was wondering if I could still inhale.
Before a swim race I would push my goggles in repeatedly, shake my arms, and focus. In my pacing I would push myself as hard as my body and mind would let me. Crew doesn't let you do that. If it's too hard for you, too bad. It's not. You keep pulling because even though every muscle and every labored is telling you you can't, you can.
It's awesome.
It's also awesome when you have a roommate who knows you so well she buys you Cheez-Its for a good luck present. How ridiculously cool is that? I mean, seriously.
Be jealous.
So for the rest of this week, I'll push through. I'll blast the Chicago, Next to Normal, and Aida soundtracks and I'll get work done. And then I get to go participate in an amazing wedding with people who mean the world to me.
How cool is THAT?