Monday, December 8, 2008

I Froze Yesterday and Today

Yesterday, as I walked through -2 degree windchill down to Park Studio B for the millionth time, I considered the possibility of purchasing a hat. You know, one that keeps your ears from falling off. 

I spent just about a year of my life (at least it felt that way) working the teleprompter yesterday, because I worked it on the Inquirer for the first time, and then ran it during our one-hour Griddo special last night. Total time spent: four hours. Gaahhhhh

If you didn't catch the amazingness that was our one hour special, full season recap yesterday, it re-airs on on Thursday from 9-10 again. It even included an AMAZING PTI-inspired countdown and we brought in these awesome guys from commentary and Sports Final and they did some really neat, kind of funny analysis of the whole season. It was great. Our graphic was totally wicked. It felt like I was working for ESPN. 

It is cold outside, but it did snow last night. I love the way it looks, but it's thirteen degrees outside. It's bad when you announce the high temperature for the day and someone asks, "Fahrenheit or celsius?" 

Whatever. It's my last week of classes! I'll make it.