On one hand, my lack of consistent blogging shows that there have been no significantly traumatic and/or embarrassing events in the past couple days.
Mainly I have just been trying to keep everything in order. I'm trying to eliminate all distractions. I stole Claire's brilliant idea and had one of my friends change my Facebook password so I'm not tempted to waste my life away on it for at least today. Maybe even tomorrow. Who knows the wonders I can possibly achieve?
Right now I'm trying to finally apply for internships. They're pretty varied, which means I am writing tons of stupid cover letters. I am pretty sure I am just as good at writing cover letters as I am at playing tennis.
I have physically injured others while playing tennis.
Therefore, my futures with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the Wheaton Gazette, or Washington Parent Magazine look grim.
Tomorrow I have to get up in front of my spanish class and tell them a story about my life for five minutes. If I were to talk like I do in my blog, I would probably regale them with a tale about how I turned my canary-yellow towels into puke-colored towels. If I am actually going to keep them awake or keep them from thinking I am a crazy person, I will probably tell them about my trip to Mexico before senior year.
I'm sure you'll all wait with baited breath to see which one I end up choosing.
I am madly in love with my Global Studies and Politics class. I realized today that I am the type of person who LOVES to argue over things like the United State's defense spending and nuclear weapon policy and whether international organizations would have the ability to implement worldwide nuclear disarmament.
I LOVE this class and it's making me seriously considered doubling with politics. Because while other kids feel like sleeping, I'm actually trying to read more. Because I want to be right. All the time.
I also like that there's not always a right answer.
Luckily doubling is a possibility because I came into college with 35 (!) credits thanks to IB and AP. What's your argument against public schools now?
It's awesome that I found a way to procrastinate by writing about not procrastinating.