Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's Almost Thanksgiving, For Which I'm ENTIRELY THANKFUL

Do I have to preface this with a "my life is crazy sentence?" No? You got that point? Okay. Let's get to it.

I am blogging right now because it is far more fun to do that than actually write my papers or go to the gym like I'm supposed to. And, because I wanted to share with you something in my life that was actually FULL of WIN!*

You should know that I hate group projects. Loathe them, actually. I'm not so much a collaborator. I mostly like to impose my will and opinions ruthlessly and shamelessly on others. This is probably because I grew up in the DMV. Anyway, I was terrified of working in a final group project for my journalism ethics class, which involved a 20 minute presentation. It's being graded on a ranking scale. All the groups will rank which presentations they thought were best. The one averaged as the top will get an A, the second will get an A-, and so on for all 8 groups. Absolutely horrifying, right?

Luckily, I got a group full of girls just as competitive as me. We pulled the first presentation slot. We met obsessively for weeks. It all came together today, when we literally suited up and gave our presentation. And it was awesome. Our professor said we set the bar incredibly high.

And let me just say, this power-suit idea is totally true. Everything you say sounds 10 times smarter when you are wearing a suit. That is not to say that I in any way endorse Hillary Clinton's insane collection of primary colored pantsuits, but let's just say I kind of get it.

It is Tuesday. On Friday, I GET TO GO HOME. On Friday, I will have written two more papers and given one more presentation.

Keep your fingers crossed for more win!

*As opposed to full of fail...I am sure this makes no sense for those tend to speak english properly. This is just how we speak in the Paulson household and at Ithaca College. For example, on Sunday my news director wrote up an entire story about the SPCA in LOLcat speak, entitled "NOM NOM NOM." That was most definitely full of win.