So I was up before dawn to go die lifting weights. Becky decided I should now do the varsity workout, and my body protested profusely. I may attempt to go the entire day tomorrow without lifting my arms or bending over. It is unlikely that I will succeed, especially since I have practice. And classes. And a life.
Then I finally took care of business I was supposed to when I first got here, like annoy student financial services and ask them to give me my scholarship already. They were actually super nice and fixed everything in approximately two seconds. It was impressive.
My first class was my Environmental Policy: The USSR fake science credit class. But here's the shocker: it may actually be useful. First off, my professor is at Ithaca on a Fulbright Scholarship from Ukraine, and was 25 when the Soviet Union fell, so she knows what the heck she's talking about. Even if I can't always totally understand what she's talking about. It's the first class she's taught in english. However, the way she presented the class, I totally dug it. It's all about politics! And how politics can ruin the planet! I was pleasantly surprised.
My second class was my Legislative Behavior class, which is apparently some legendary amazing class that everyone in the politics major wants to take. And it sounds awesome. Extremely time consuming and taxing, but ridiculously cool. I will explain what makes it that way once I get over having to spend more money on books for it. Lame.
Then I came back here and read about the philosophy of ideology ( I KNOW. Seriously) and avoided reading about confederalist theory and the European Union. Oh, is it good to be back or what?
I also took a political compass test for a politics assignment and discovered I am more socially and economically liberal than Gandhi.
I think I'll just end the post with that.