In my panic and fumbled around in the dark and hit the snooze button to make the horrible noise stop. I then sat up in my bed and took in my surroundings. My second thought was:
So I stumbled through the dark and found my trusty flashlight, which I now dress by regularly. When I have to get up before the crap of dawn like on Mondays, I set out my clothes the night before, like I am in elementary school. Because at 5:30 I have the decision-making skills of a goldfish. Not even one of the goldfish that lives freakishly for 25 years. One of the goldfish that dies the second you buy it an actual bowl to replace the cancerous plastic bag it has probably been inhabiting for months.
At dining hall work I seriously almost fell asleep where I legitimately made 180 grilled cheese sandwiches. That is an exact calculation. It felt like a million. It was my one real break, because we were understaffed this morning and therefore I was practically running around Campus Center dining hall for four hours straight.
In Academic Writing I researched for my persuasive essay, in which I'm arguing that despite mission statements of feminism and progression, the majority of women's magazines encourage women to form their identities around consumption and sexuality.
My life is nothing but a non-stop party. Really.
A lot of us in Boothroyd always bring lunch back to the dorm and eat together in the kitchen. It's a fantastic break in between classes because they're all hilarious. It felt good to be back.
I then headed to Spanish, where I sat and thought about how much I used to love spanish class in high school. Now, I hate it. With a burning flaming passion. I went from there to journalism research, where we kept going over interviewing and such.
This evening I had my typical all-radio evening, where I sit through multiple meetings with most of the same people for Now Hear This! and the news team.
The weather is warm. Warm is now 50 degrees, and people are wearing shorts and flip flops. Let's see how long THAT lasts. I don't trust the weather anymore. It's been so fickle in the past.
Someday I will tell my therapist all these things. I am pretty sure I will need a therapist, to cope with my overwhelming fame and success and increase my self-obsession. I think that's just how it's done in the great USA.