Thursday, April 15, 2010

This Post is Going to be About One of My Many Chocolate Bunnies

I did a lot of stuff today. The sad part is, the most interesting thing I can think of is the fact that I finally figured out how to go about eating chocolate bunny number one, and it involved slamming it into my desk repeatedly.


And also delicious.

This morning I woke up in a blurry haze and somehow ended up at lifting. I must have walked there and I probably carried on a conversation with Ashley to some extent, but all I know is that suddenly it was early and I was running around a gym and also Erica was trying to get me to do some type of plyometrics that my hamstrings laughed at the idea of. They were called Spidermans. Spiderman and I do not have a lot in common beyond an affinity for spandex. I am not flexible, and am very bad at climbing things. In that I once ripped my pants climbing over a fence the height of my belly button.

Very bad at climbing. Also irrelevant to my day recap.

After lifting was my radio shift, at which I continued to fail at pronunciation. Kyrgyzstan, you are on notice.

After that I met with my Legislative Behavior professor and the Senate Majority Leader to determine the order of business for Saturday. Harry Reid is somehow trying to force a Don't Ask Don't Tell amendment on my immigration bill. IRRITATING. I was very happy with this bill so far. We'd had a lot of Republican victories with it. Yes, it includes a fence.

Then, off my environmental issues of the former USSR class. This class is also on notice.

After that, study abroad orientation. Shrill lady talking about health insurance that I already have and how small children will likely surround me and try to take my money during my experience abroad. This is good.

Lunch. Then extremely productive meeting with coach, who makes me stop hating myself for failing at erg tests all the time and is not upset that I am studying abroad. I guess all that pre-meeting FREAKING OUT was unnecessary.

Then, Legislative Behavior. The democrats are able to force through Reid's jobs bill, which was inevitable and everything, but I don't like losing. Too bad I'm a Republican. (IN SIMULATION ONLY. LET ME MAKE THAT VERY CLEAR.)

Then crew. Erg instead of going on the water because I'm missing this week's huge regatta, and Becky wants me to reacquaint myself with erging so I stop fearing it so much. This practice is supposed to be win-win. Instead, it's just kind of depressing.

Dinner. Procrastination. Breaking of bunny. Feminist media perusing. Blog.

I'm so eloquent today, aren't you glad you were able to be immersed so vividly in my chaotic lifestyle for a few fleeting moments?

Yes. Yes you are.