2. Saturday was the radio vs. tv annual softball game. I went to watch, and left early because I was confident that my radio boys had it locked up, 11-1. Then I found out we lost, 17-14. I don't know how that is possible. If you want to see how epic it was, or the shiny back of my head, check out my dean's blog.
3. Six more pages to go on j-research. I can do it!
4. Tonight, radio and t.v join once more in our "Just Desserts" celebration. Which is exactly what it sounds like, plus awards and death tapes. Oh no.
For those unaware, death tapes are like bloopers. Things caught on camera that you didn't think were caught on camera. They're generally hilarious and wildly inappropriate.
5. I'm getting there.
6. According to the 10-day weather forecast here, the next time I'll see sun, I'll be in Maryland.
Oh, Ithaca. I'll still miss you despite your crappy weather patterns.