Wednesday, February 22, 2012

So I Went To Boston

I will always feel this weird sort of belonging in Boston. Some of it is probably that my parents both spent important parts of their youth there. Also, it's a New England-y historical bustling city of fun!

I crammed in a car with four other teammates at the crack of dawn on Saturday and we roadtripped down, scaring rest stop owners and laughing at the weird names of rural New York towns.

Then I met up with this chick, whom I've know for...forever. She's kind of a local. It's weird.

We explored Boston (well, us Ithacans did. Anna guided us along). We walked for miles, got Italian pastries, went to a Pulp Fiction themed cheeseburger place, and ate Oreos on the streets of Boston.  I slept on an inflatable mattress in her apartment and had the best sleep of my life. True story.

The reason I was in Boston was to do C.R.A.S.H B Sprints. This essentially means I was paying 20 bucks to be tortured in a crowded arena.

It was worth it. I beat my best time by nine whole seconds. See!

Then I couldn't really stand and was a little delirious, but Anna insisted on taking a picture of me with my erg. 

Now there is a picture of me looking exhausted, sweaty and a little dazed on the internet. At least I look happy. 

All of us did so well. It was just the best weekend I could ask for. I love these girls so much.