Yesterday morning I dragged myself out of bed for an early taping of The Inquirer, and I learned a bunch of tech-y things and got to be part of a studio audience, in a way. Then I had a brunch with the Boothroyd girls, and they headed off to the football game and I grabbed my notebook and trekked down to Yavitz field for my first home-game coverage of Ithaca field hockey. It was an exciting game, and we won 6-5. I dread the day when I have to interview the coach and players after a loss. That will be massively un-fun. The Bombers have an extremely productive offense, but their defense is very young, which leads to such high scoring matches. My next game coverage is wednesday. Then I met up with some football buddies for awhile, and was pressured into learning how to play Guitar Hero. I am not very good at it, to say the least. Back at Boothroyd I watched some Gossip Girl (a t.v. show) with some friends. It's pretty soapy and extremely addictive, which lead to me getting to bed at a late hour.
There's a collective agreement that today's a quiet day where everyone's mainly just going to study. I'm going to find some football to watch. Now, with the NFL back, I expect sundays to be characterized by a little homesickness, because right now I just want to lounge on a couch and watch way too much football all day and eat nachos.
But I do love it here!
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