Friday, December 12, 2008

Not That This Post is as Good as the Last One

I woke up to about nine inches of snow this morning! It's gorgeous, but also requires me to wear those weird looking boots mom bought me. I'm not ashamed to admit it. They're warm. 

I got some great stuff done this morning, and I still have more to do, but I felt like giving myself a present. That present? Doing nothing for a few minutes. 

Here are some things I am absolutely happy about:

1. In exactly a week (to the hour, even!) I will be on the road to D.C. metropolitan area or...Maryland. Whatever sounds fanciest.

2. Today is the last day of classes!

3. Any time someone on the Redskins says/does something stupid, Terrell Owens comes to the rescue to prove that there is absolutely no one more bratty than him in the NFC East, or even the entire NFL. 

4. icanhascheeseburger exists for my procrastinating pleasure.

5. This video exists. Sorry Notre Dame fans/Mary Coyne. It's hilarious. 

Obviously I am in a linking, sharing mood. 

I was talking to my friend, a die-hard Bills fan, the other day about football, and he said something that scared me whole lot:

"Obviously I'm crazy depressed. But you're a Redskins fan, so you know exactly how I feel."



1 comment:

Stimey said...

Try being a Raiders fan. It's a sad existence.