Largely because I cry at everything. I am that chick that cries during every movie ever. But I'm going to be a little obnoxious and reprint what my professor wrote:
"Abby, I have read many student-written essays on 'The Red Convertible,' since I teach it every semester. But your is among the best I've seen, and may actually be the best. The essay analyzes capitalism's impact on the brothers, capitalism's manifestation in the the car; it identifies and analyzes the story's persistent trope of 'moving without moving' in consistently clear and vigorous writing. The very high level of analysis, synthesis, and writing all unite to make your essay a work of outstanding quality. This is excellent work by any measure, and I read it with extreme pleasure and edification."
Seriously? You can't MAKE this stuff up. It's practically stolen from the ending of a Disney movie.
As self-indulgent and self-congratulatory this is, sometimes I just need to reaffirm publicly that I have the capability to totally kick ass.
Oh and I also made a cake for my friend's birthday today, all by myself. No one died. My dorm is still standing. I didn't start to cry half way through reading the recipe. We've yet to see if it's edible, but I'll chalk it up prematurely as a success.
The weather's gross up here, but at least it's not cold!
Now, it's off to the sports section meeting for me!
That's my daughter, folks!
haha you go girl!
i think a little shout out to krauchmeister is called for...
Looked up The Red Convertible on Google. Second item gave a good summary of the story, neat.
Papa@ Wheaton(later today)
That's amazing. You're a total rock star. :)
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