Thursday, April 23, 2009

Blog Fail

For the sake of updating, here's a few snippets of my life. Because you totally want them. 

1. Morning
Short Story Professor: For next class, we're reading Margaret Atwood's Happy Endings.
Professor: (sigh) Why does that not surprise me?

(His reaction was probably influenced by the fact that I'd spent a lot of the class calling his beloved, much-lauded Guy de Maupassant a boring anti-feminist.) 

2. Afternoon
No dialogue, because I spent hours writing silly academic writing stuff, like:

"With patriotic zeal, country musicians have claimed governmental rhetoric as their own and, perhaps unintentionally, upheld moral flaws in international policy for the sake of appealing to the current mood of a growing and profitable demographic."

I officially turn every class into Global Studies. I have a problem.

3. Later afternoon. 
Claire on phone: They are building a Chipotle near my school.
Me: I now have a concrete reason to visit.

4. Evening. 
In the radio station. 
Friend L: My local news story is a "dog bites local man" story. Eff my life.

Now, I'm off to my last Ithacan meeting of the year. How sad. (Ish)

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