Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sometimes I'm So Artistic I Annoy Even Myself

I'm lazy. I feel as all of you, as my readers, deserve more from me. 

Sorry. I'm totally catching you up on my life via haiku. 

It's hot suddenly
I ride the Metro a lot
people are creepy?

Not that I've had any encounters with said creepy people to cause any sort of concern.  I know you all worry. I just stare at them quizzically and make sure they feel far more uncomfortable than I do. 

"Part of Your World" from the Little Mermaid just came up on my iPod. It made me consider my goals in life.  It also made me wonder how mermaids pee. 

I know. 

But I can prove I HAVE been productive this summer! I'm researching multiple articles, but I took a little break and wrote a highlight on the Target Women video series, and it's now on the WIFP website! 

I also changed my template because:
1. I'm bored 
2. I'm a SOPHOMORE now!

1 comment:

Abbysmom said...

Glad you still like cheeseburgers and dance parties!