Wednesday, September 23, 2009

If You Haven't Given Up on Me

I know.


I got this text from my sister today: "It's awesome that you update your blog frequently so I know what is going on in your life. SIKE."

You know things are getting serious when your family members begin to punctuate sarcastic statements with 90s-era slang.

So here I am. I'm back. Let's see how long this lasts! It's really a lack of time that's kept me away from your lovely computer screens. I spend most of my time...not blogging. In fact, I spend most of my time doing many things that aren't sleeping, or paying attention to things like laundry. My best and worst decision ever was putting a laundry basket where I can't see it. It can be overflowing and I don't even have to look at it.

Also luckily, I am basically turning into my father and couldn't resist cashing in on a 2-for-1 deal on athletic socks. So I have tons and tons of athletic socks now. I can run out of them and open a new bag. They're practically potato chips.

I also spent some time tweeting about my ill-informed ideas about treating the blisters on my hands. It involved me thinking myself, "I should probably clean it before I wrap it up. Oh, look, because of the swine flu I have ample amounts of hand sanitizer at my disposal. Let's use that!" I think my roommate might be tragically getting used to hearing me yelp at odd times throughout the day for stupid reasons.

Speaking of blisters, crew is going well. The campus is still adapting to seeing me walk around as a sweaty mess all the time. IC students may have to speak with a counselor about the whole "spandex for pants" part. They can deal. It's actually going so well that I may be racing WAY earlier than expected. Try...October 3rd. This is really unbelievable to me because it seems like yesterday that we finally got into a boat and...couldn't move. Oh, how things change!

In class I spend a lot of time ignoring any social niceties that tell me to shut up and let someone else have a chance to talk, or asking myself why I am in this class? It's hard to take a lecture about blogging all that seriously. So much of these "theories" of online journalism are the norm for our generation. Sometimes these classes on multimedia--when they stray away from the practical like, using photoshop or creating audio slideshows--are one huge hour and a half long DUH.

Based on the quality of my writing today, you all are probably thinking I should pay more attention in class. I actually just finished writing a paper for my journalism ethics class. There is seriously nothing more fun than explaining moral development levels and their applications to citizen journalism.


1 comment:

Abbysmom said...

Hey! Like Claire blogs or tells anyone what's going on in her life-