Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Wonderful Break

I got a call from my mother yesterday afternoon. She was just calling to confirm that I wasn't in some ditch somewhere and was, in fact, alive.

You see, I expected this break to be incredibly low-key. I expected to spend a lot of time doing nothing. So when my parents hadn't heard from me, they wondered. Especially after I didn't return their call.

I've been having a blast. I haven't been sleeping in, but it's been great. When I asked my coach for a land workout I could do over break, I instead ended up with the most intense "workout buddy" ever, our assistant coach E. We pretty much all aspire to be her. So along with two other rowers, A and...A, actually, I've been getting my butt kicked for the past three mornings.

I've been hanging out with A all weekend. We bond especially well because she's 5' 11" and I'm 6 foot. There's a thing about tall women. We automatically understand and relate to each other on some basic level. I mean, the large shoe event at Nordstroms is probably the most civil and cheerful epic shoe sale you will ever experience. It's just how it is. We get it.

And, she's a great workout partner because she has the same goal as I do. We both want to live up to our height--to our potential. So we were ready to gain some ground while everyone else slept. She's also a voice major on an opera path, so you know I totally want to recruit her as an awesome karaoke partner. Right?

Anyway, so I got back from practice this morning and collapsed onto my bed. I turned on college football. I dozed to the sounds of cheers and whistles and men of a certain age talking in dramatic tones. It was beautiful. It actually felt like a break. Of course, I then got up and scheduled an interview for tomorrow. Because I still need to keep in some contact with reality.

And that's my life.

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