Here I am, blogging. My sister basically threatened my well-being due to my epic failings at posting, so yes. I'm here. Talking about my life.
Halloween kind of happened this weekend. In college Halloween basically takes over the entire weekend, so from Thursday night on you could see people walking around in strange attire. I saw one girl dressed as an LOLcat. I was so incredibly jealous that I did not think of that. SO JEALOUS.
I dressed up as a police officer. Not like an out-of-the-bag "sexy" police officer (a look of which many college girls are fond of), fear not. My feminist values remained intact. I basically chose to be a police officer because all I had to do was buy a hat and wear black. I also thought it was funny, in a, "Look at me, I'm the physical embodiment of legitimized force!" kind of way. Because I am that kid you knew at college. Really.
You could argue that the physical embodiment of legitimized force would be a soldier, but there was no way I was going to be caught dead in anything with a camouflage print.
Anyway, so there was that. I ate something described as a "Reese Pumpkin" and went into a blissful sugar coma. I then went for a swim, and thoroughly regretted ever consuming said Reese pumpkin. Despite the nausea, I've decided it was totally worth it.
Today marked the beginning of our off season weight training. The varsity coach teaches athletic training classes and is supervising their training of us. Today we learned about different machines and got analyzed. My assessment was basically: 1. You are kind of inflexible. 2. You have long femurs! 3. Oh, and long tibias too! 4. Actually, long everything. So, uh, work with that, okay?
Tomorrow will bring insanity. After work and class, I'm heading to a question and answer session with this little known blogger named...Arianna Huffington. Oh yes. I totally know Claire will not know who this is/care, but she is kind of a big deal. My professor said the set up will be Oprah-style, so I guess we'll pass around a microphone and discuss our journey to our best self and you know, like media democracy or something. I am most excited because I realized today that Arianna Huffington and Aunt Zelda from Sabrina the Teenage Witch ARE THE SAME PERSON.

No one believes me. And yes, I did just take the time to do that. You'll be happy to know that Zelda Spellman has her own Wikipedia page, and you'll be even happier to know that it's extremely informative.
Then I'm helping produce Newswatch's election center. I will basically spend the night on the phone with the Tompkins County Board of Elections, pretending people desperately care who won the Town Council positions. Most of the incumbents in the election have held their positions since the 80s. The suspense is overwhelming.
Somewhere in there I'll fit in a workout and eating. That's about it.
In a totally unrelated note, cherry Starbursts taste like Nyquil.
you did not just put arianna huffington and zelda spellman in the same blog post! ahah...oh well, i'm jealous of your question and answer sesh.
First frost!!Cold front moving in here so it dropped from 90 to 80---O-well.
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