Saturday, February 27, 2010

Guess What?

I know all of you are getting pretty comfortable with the content of this blog. I talk about being sore from crew, being frustrated with classes, and how it ABSOLUTELY NEVER STOPS...PRECIPITATING in Ithaca.

Well I've taken a break from writing the silliest paper ever for my environmental class and from digging people out of the two feet of snow we got over the past two days to inform you of a recent development.

As of Fall 2010, Shipping Off is going international.

I'll pack up my laptop and my non-existent sense of direction and make a home in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Home of international notoriety, canals, the Dutch, and a reputation for good coffee (right? that's what makes their coffee houses so popular?)!

You may think that I'm only going there because I discovered that Dutch speed skater Sven Kramer looks like Matt Damon, and I consequently fell in love. Despite the relative validity of that statement, that's not why I'm going to Amsterdam.

I'm going because of the Universiteit van Amsterdam's Pre-Law certification program. I'll immerse myself in international law and get a little certificate at the end, which may not mean anything, but looks pretty cool anyway.

It's a ways off, but I'm pretty sure I can sustain an insanely high level of excitement for multiple months.

Mark your calendars. September 2010. Me. Amsterdam.

And now this post has to come to a close, because Mannheim Steamroller just came up on shuffle AGAIN and if I don't take my Christmas music off my iPod immediately, there will be technological casualties.


Stimey said...

Congratulations! That's fantastic!

Unknown said...

Wowee, what an adventure that will be! Congrats, Abby!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Great! Congratulations! --and this year!(BTW, today there is light rain in Amsterdam, the Netherlands---thought you would like to know.)


ICdad and mom said...

Can't wait for Parent's weekend-major road trip! Congratulations!