So this has actually been a pretty good day. The reason I have cause to whine about it is that I am in an office, and the entire rest of my family is AT THE LAKE.
So now I am going to make myself feel a little better about that by talking about the awesome things I did this week. I actually attended the announcement of the Transparency and Waste Cutting Executive Order. And this meant I got to go to the Executive Offices--super fancy, by the way--and sit about five feet from Vice President Joe Biden while he said interesting things and gave you only kind of rational hope for the future of bureaucratic management and government accountability and oh-my-god-isn't-he charming?!
So that was certainly a moment. Also, to this event I wore this awesome pink dress, and it was a complete Elle Woods moment.
I also wore shoes that destroyed my feet. That was less awesome.
That same day, to make it cooler, I went to another branch of government, and sat in at a panel on transparency in tax expenditures at the legislative offices on Capitol Hill. This was relatively boring, because it was people talking about tax expenditures, duh, but cool because I got to run around legislative offices. And by run, I mean hobble, because by that point my feet had been torn to shreds because of stupid fancy shoes.
Yesterday, I got to go to a meeting at the American Bar Association. It looked exactly like you'd expect the American Bar Association to look like. There were literally pillars outside and the meeting was held in a dark wood-paneled room with huge comfy leather chairs. Before going to the meeting, one of my bosses and I went to this chic little bakery and got shmancy sandwiches. After, on our way back, she generously bought me my very first ridiculously expensive and silly designer cupcake. It was delicious. Because I am me, I chose chocolate peanut butter. It came in a fancy specially-designed box with clear paneling. I ate that thing with a spoon because I felt like it was fancy enough to deserve some sort of utensil.
Closing note: you cannot sneeze in Washington, DC without getting snot on both a cupcake shop, frozen yogurt shop, and a Cosi all at once.
Aren't you pleased I used this imagery? Me too.
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