Sunday, October 23, 2011


I'm 21, guys!

It's awesome. Already. I made mature, educated choices, so don't worry. I had my first Long Island Ice Tea that wasn't made by my dad and the first margarita not made by my uncle or mother, and in both instances I realized I have been intensely spoiled all my life.

Also, it will be sad when I am actually the one purchasing these drinks. Birthdays are fun.

I was lucky enough to have my birthday over our fall break, and this meant lots of fun was to be had. I was able to explore Ithaca and its surrounding areas. We dug through second hand stores, ate fried food, navigated a 3.5 mile long corn maze with flash lights, and had an amazing time. I have never been so full, tired, muddy, and happy all at the same time.

I have incredible friends, and I am very, very lucky for that.

I also have an incredible family, who braved the absolute worst weather of all time to come watch us race at the Head of the Genesee last weekend. As one of the few crews to stay for both races, they had a long day in freezing rain and gushing wind. And yet the stayed, got soaked, and fed extremely hungry rowers. You guys rock. And seriously, after all that, I owe y'all a DRINK.

1 comment:

Stimey said...

Happy birthday! I love reading about the good people around you. That's half the battle.