Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Fake Break Snapshots
I thought I'd provide you with a few snapshots for you to understand how great break has been in just a few short days. Not that I actually have pictures. I totally left my camera at home after Thanksgiving break, because I would do that. Guess I'll just have to write a thousand words or whatever.
Here's a non-existent photo of Ashley and me saying goodbye. I am probably inexplicably tearing up and envisioning a whole month without Glee dance parties and cheeseburger conversations. Oh, and there I am smothering her in a hug.
Here's one of me loading insane amounts of junk into my grandparents' pick-up truck. Note their stunned faces in reaction to the amount of stuff I thought I'd need for a month.
And then there's this great one of Amma, Pappa and I all dressed up, heading into the Buffalo Club. Now note MY stunned face at the amazing Christmas decorations. It is almost the same face I had when I saw the chocolate cake for dessert.
Here's one of these insanely flexible Christmas-ornament people from the Cirque de Soleil Christmas show. My face is a mix of wonder and fear, because these people are totally going to fall and die, I KNOW it, bodies don't bend like that, OH MY GOD DON'T DO THAT STOPPPP, oh....well, that was actually awesome! They survived! I am enjoying this.
Here is a picture of Amma and me bowling. That stank face I have on is merely a natural reaction to the fact that I was losing. Repeatedly. It was actually a blast though.
And then there's Amma, Pappa, and me at the Sabres/Penguins hockey game, only a few rows away from large men being thrown largely into the glass over and over and over. We are extremely happy because we got to eat cheeseburgers AND have awesome seats. I am wearing my hat because it's kind of cold but for the first time ever I am actually dressed appropriately.
I know, right?
Here's one a stranger took of me sprawled in the airport for forever, because DC decided to get buried under snow for forever. But I got there! And then waited for Claire for forever, with my Dad.
And in this one my Dad and I are sitting in the car and he is exasperated already and trying to convince me my eye isn't going to explode just because it's a little irritated. I'm not buying it.
Here's Claire and me with our girls in the back room with a fire. We are eating brownies and cool whip and watching and providing running commentary on this year's Lifetime Christmas movie. Which is totally not about Christmas at all. "What the hell!" asks Laura, "WHY IS IT JULY IN THIS MOVIE?"
And here I am, blogging in my bed, getting ready to head up to the great New England for Christmas.
If I don't blog before, have an amazing, happy, and healthy Christmas.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I refuse to complain any more about finals
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Guess What I'm NOT Doing Right Now
Monday, December 7, 2009
Switchcast and Other Stories
Friday, December 4, 2009
These Weeks are Seriously Depleting My Tums Supply
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Great Thanksgiving
Thursday, November 26, 2009
"Waahhh Wahh Waaah Whine Whine Whine"- Claire
So my break has been fantastic. I have been incredibly unproductive. I'm on football game number six at this very moment. Claire and I even took a road trip to visit our longtime friend K down in colonial Williamsburg. It looked a little different than my college, in that at IC everything is concrete, and at William and Mary everything is elegantly-aged brick. Ah, well.
One of the highlights of my break was listening to Josh McDaniels drop a not-so-polite word on national television tonight. I got a Park student high out of it. We love when professional media screws up royally.
At midnight Claire, Mom and I are heading out shopping. Yeah. Really. See, Claire decided she and I were going to start a black Friday tradition about two years ago, and this year we somehow managed to convince my mother that she totally wanted to come with us. I'm not sure I want to come with us. But I will and BY GOD IT WILL BE FUN.
This year we're even going all the way out to some J. Crew Factory store, because RPI turned my sister into a prep, and we are powerless against her will. I know she didn't go to RPI to be a lawyer, but I swear, that girl has a natural talent. If she was paid in polo shirts, there would be no one willing to face her in court.
Claire recommends that I also mention in this post that we ate our weight in pie today, and that it rains all the time. Logically these things are totally connected, because we both whine about them all the time.
I should also mention that I MADE A PIE. Yes. Me. My mother and grandmothers some how left me unsupervised in the kitchen and I made a pecan pie all by myself. All. By. Myself.
Yeah, I'm just as shocked as you are. Oh and yes, my house still exists as an entire, struturally sound entity.
It's a Christmas miracle!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
It's Almost Thanksgiving, For Which I'm ENTIRELY THANKFUL
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Claire Told Me to Blog, So, Enjoy
Saturday, November 7, 2009
First Practice With Varsity
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Andre Agassi Made Me Cry, Plus Other Stories
Monday, November 2, 2009
The First Frost, Waayyy After the First Snow

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wearing Rain Boots 3 Days After I REALLY REALLY Should Have
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The Birthday Post...and More?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Not, NOT the Birthday Post
Sunday, October 18, 2009
No, The World isn't Ending, I'm Just Blogging Two Days in a Row
Saturday, October 17, 2009
A Wonderful Break
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A Breather
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Love is Love
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Can We Talk About How Awesome Things Can Be?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Pushing Limits
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
If You Haven't Given Up on Me
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Life in the Fast Lane
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Hey...I Live Here
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Labor Day Weekend
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
First Crew Practice
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Rainstorms in Ithaca
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Okay, Let's Chat
Monday, August 24, 2009
Everything I Haven't Covered Thus Far
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Re-Shipping Off
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I Drive Fast
There is still one way I can go fast. And it's on a Jet-ski.
It's a Jet-ski that likes to quit on me randomly and run out of gas unexpectedly. But I can still run it until my ankles, knees, and thighs are sore from the jumps over waves and my hair is tangled and my cheeks are red from the wind.
When I drive others on the Jet-ski, my reputation often precedes me. Screaming and near-tips are a must. I've been called crazy. My sister practically gives me the heimlich on some rides. It's not often that I'm the passenger.
Today I went for a jet-ski ride on life-long friend (well, practically family, but that's another story, right?) A's jet-ski. Let's say I am pretty sure I got a more potent dose of my own medicine. There were many points at which I was sure I was going to die.
It was so much fun.
I love it here.
That's really the point of this post. Because as much as I write about my childhood in D.C as being a huge influence on my world outlook, there is a lot of Western Massachusetts in me. Every summer I've been driven up North, away from beltways and nighttime sirens and stripmalls and the bustle on living on the edge of the nation's capital. Then I live in a small little world where people actually need pick-up trucks and your friends' grandparents were friends with your own. And at night, priority number one is watching the pink sunset reflect off the lake.
And when you look up, you can actually see the stars.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Goodbyes Phase 1
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
About half an hour ago I get a instant message from my sister, who also happened to be sitting across the dining room table from me and studying for her organic chemistry exam.
Claire: cake
Me: quiero
Claire: si si si
Me: yes yes yes
Claire: take the car to giant
Claire: or gasp baskin robins
Claire: you know you want to
Me: oh my god what about those excellent cake cookies at giant
Claire: omg
go now
i will pay
Me: are you serious?
Claire: yes
Me: done
And now, thirty minutes later, we are enjoying the most cake-like cookies money (well, like 4 dollars) can buy. It is essentially the closest to heaven intensely processed food can get.
And it is WONDERFUL.
This is basically why I can wait for August 22nd to come. They have cookies at Ithaca, sure, but they don't have Claire.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Cheez-Its Are The Perfect Food
Saturday, July 25, 2009
One Last Swim
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
I'm Officially Turning in to a Crotchety Old Person
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Relaxation, Happiness, and Friends