Sunday, September 7, 2008

Friday night and the whole of saturday was quite nice.  On friday the dorm headed down to the Commons and celebrated Lauren's birthday at Benchwarmers, my new favorite restaurant.  Hilarity and dancing ensued.  We returned to IC and danced in the hallways, because it is something that is very fun to do.  Then all the girls grabbed blankets and we laid outside just chatting, and sometimes shrieking at random noises.  College is a little like summer camp.  

Yesterday morning I dragged myself out of bed for an early taping of The Inquirer, and I learned a bunch of tech-y things and got to be part of a studio audience, in a way.  Then I had a brunch with the Boothroyd girls, and they headed off to the football game and I grabbed my notebook and trekked down to Yavitz field for my first home-game coverage of Ithaca field hockey.  It was an exciting game, and we won 6-5.  I dread the day when I have to interview the coach and players after a loss.  That will be massively un-fun. The Bombers have an extremely productive offense, but their defense is very young, which leads to such high scoring matches.  My next game coverage is wednesday.  Then I met up with some football buddies for awhile, and was pressured into learning how to play Guitar Hero.  I am not very good at it, to say the least.  Back at Boothroyd I watched some Gossip Girl (a t.v. show) with some friends.  It's pretty soapy and extremely addictive, which lead to me getting to bed at a late hour.  

There's a collective agreement that today's a quiet day where everyone's mainly just going to study.  I'm going to find some football to watch.  Now, with the NFL back, I expect sundays to be characterized by a little homesickness, because right now I just want to lounge on a couch and watch way too much football all day and eat nachos.  

But I do love it here!