Sunday, November 29, 2009

Great Thanksgiving

If this break really proved anything to me, it's that what I'm really thankful for is my family.

They are hilarious and take care of me. All of them. My Amma and I drove up and down the coast in the past week, giggling the whole way. My Mom humored Claire and I to the extent that she stayed up till four a.m. on the Shopping Trip From Hell (Black Friday at midnight? DO NOT DO THAT. JUST DO NOT.) My Dad gave us sage advice and humorous (constructive) criticism. My sister and I just hung out, when she wasn't napping, or studying chemical processes WAY over my head.

I also realized that I am the ONLY ONE in my family unable to drop one-liners. I am not that quick thinking. It's really quite tragic.

Oh, and did I mention that they're also really, really ridiculously good-looking?

Not that I'm like, biased or anything.