Friday, February 19, 2010

Okay, So Now It's @$#@% Raining

I MEAN SERIOUSLY? It stopped snowing and now it's RAINING?


Also I'm not so sure I have anything interesting to say, but here are some things I just want y'all to consider.

Is it just me, or can Tiger Woods like, not read? Most awkward speech ever. And I am already sick of hearing about it. It also creeped me out to hear Al Michaels even say the phrase "sex addiction" during the midday Olympic coverage. Now I'm going to have to go to therapy.

And the main reason I am blogging is because I need to be doing work...on a Friday night. Because this weekend I am frolicking around time with my lovely parents and then being imprisoned by Newswatch. So there is work to be done.

I also have to be up early to do a six-mile team run. So, parents, if you're reading this, there's a chance I will pass out and die before you get here.
