Friday, September 12, 2008

A Short Update

It's now the weekend, and since there is much fun to be had, I'm a bit pressed for time.  But I decided to squeeze in an update.  Here's the main points.

1.  The profile feature is going well.  I met with, well, the subject today and got to do my first real extensive interview.  She was really nice, and talkative, which is helpful.

2. It is raining and will all weekend.  Which is gross.  But it means I have an excuse to wear sweatpants for an extended period of time.

3. My roommate is heading home for the weekend.  I am mainly going to just revel in the amount of space and freedom this gives me.  I am also going to stay up very late doing nothing, being happy I have a room to myself, that is not pitch black.

4.  I plan on watching much football this weekend. 

5.  We are ordering chinese tonight.  Lots and lots of chinese.  

6. I like college.  

That's about it.