Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's Been a Decade and I Haven't Changed at All

So it's break and I have been doing absolutely nothing productive. My parents, of course, insist on being proactive and making me feel guilty abut it. My Dad was cleaning out the basement and found a little "About Me" project I must have made in like, first or second grade.

It further confirmed to me that I was BORN to be a college student. Please examine the "favorite food" section.

That's right. Ramen noodles. Have you ever met a little first grader whose favorite food was RAMEN NOODLES? No. They would probably say something normal, like "ice cream" or "chocolate."

I chose nutrition-less pasta chock full of delicious sodium and fake meat tasting flavoring.

Also, a normal child would say spring or summer as their favorite season. I chose winter because I am a glutton for punishment and was obviously destined to go to Ithaca. And say "Brrrrr...." frequently. And stand near dead trees.

My favorite color is still the same. I love purple. My favorite hobby was reading, and it's still something I love to do. My favorite book is definitely not The Great Railroad Race, which was totally one of those "Dear America" books I love so much. I am pretty sure Dennis Lehane did not write that book.

My handwriting is still ugly, but now I only write in cursive because I am pretentious, and it is faster. I am also not as cute as I am in that picture, but I basically have the same haircut.

Oh how things have (not) changed.