Saturday, November 7, 2009

First Practice With Varsity

Yesterday was my first official practice with varsity. Before heading down I was envious of all the other novice girls that had their freedom after that morning's team yoga. (Yes, apparently we do yoga Friday mornings. It is kind of awesome, and I am kind of bad at it.)

For today's fun Friday we divided up into teams of five and were given two ergs. Each erg was set to 15,000 meters. The task was to finish both ergs, that combined 30k, in under an hour. In a relay.

Here is what I have learned about erg relays: THEY SUCK.

Needless to say, with this challenge you knew going it was going to be really difficult for every team to finish both of their ergs under that time. We finished one, missing the second by 16 seconds. About 6 of the 16 ergs made it under an hour. After we finished and huddled bent over and gasping for air, our coach made an observation.

"We got six ergs. When we get ten, we can start talking about a National Championship."

And I thought two things: Ten is possible. And, THAT'S AWESOME.