Friday, August 22, 2008

I Love People!

Yesterday I tried to avoid extreme boredom, so much to the extent that I don't even remember how I spent much of my day.  I have been trying to drive as much as possible, largely because I like to torture myself.  I am actually starting to hate driving less.  Or at least I was, until last night.  I'll get to that later.  

I drove myself over to Giant to pick up apples and crab chips to bring as an offering to a little goodbye get together.  There were no problems, except I confused a lot of people in the parking lot because I could not decide on a parking spot to take.  Note: I am bringing a large bottle of Old Bay with me to college, so I can put it on everything and introduce New Yorkers to the wonders of this delicious sodium-bomb topping.  Then, I drove myself in rush hour to friend L's house, and the drive went perfectly.  This is not to say that I didn't take off two years of my life with my nerves.  Oh, and parent who is probably reading this and getting nervous about this description?  It's totally exaggerated.  I just like to whine.  

I love hanging with my friends L and S because I am so comfy with them.  We ate cheeseburgers and ice cream and chatted about heading out, ate some more, and then curled up in blankets because we were freezing our butts off outside.  Oh yes. Who needs blankets in late-August Maryland? We do.  Friend L and I will probably get our butts kicked by Providence and Ithaca weather.  That isn't to say we won't love it anyway.  

Then of course, we watched some Olympics and contemplated the magnitude of the egos of track runners, discussed the ages of the female Chinese gymnasts, and it was time for me to go. I go out to hop in the, as Claire calls it, the Mommy Mobile, I shut the door, and THUNK! Ohhhh no.  Some jerk sideswiped me and knocked the mirror out of the, well, mirror.  They didn't leave a note.  I love people!  

Luckily, it wasn't something that couldn't be cured by a hug or two from the parents, even though I was quite dramatic about the whole thing.  

This is my last day in Maryland!  

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