Friday, August 15, 2008

More Goodbyes

Last night we had our last Girl Scout meeting, which, like most of our meetings in the past 7 years, revolved largely around eating food.  We were all given a book filled with pictures from 1995 to 2008, and it made me laugh so hard.  I've realized there's not much crying needed, because all the people I'm saying goodbye to are so special to me that I'm sure we'll keep in touch.  Running around the mall in giant cookie suits?  Getting wedgies 50 feet in the air?  Those are the ties that bind, people. 

Then, this morning, a small group of us had a little brunch to say goodbye to Claire and friend M. Again, there's the nerves about change but I see our departures as opportunities for even better and funnier stories to tell each other come the holidays.  That said, thanks to this thing, I will either have no stories to tell, or I will just decide to tell them again to everyone, in a very loud voice, in the most obnoxious way possible.  

Tomorrow, we take Claire and her mountains of stuff up to Rensselaer.  Then, the four of us will get really sweaty lugging the 9 billion pounds of clothing, accessories, and bedding that we have expertly shoved into the back of the van.  It'll be a change, and I'll miss her completely.  Thank goodness for texting.  I would call, but I would just end up monologuing while she assured me that college was "good," people were "cool," and everything is "nice."  I'm not going to get any elaboration from this biology major.  I can do all the talking for us.  

At least, tomorrow, I get my cat back!

P.S. The neighbors generally like Bruschi better than us.  

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