Friday, September 5, 2008

Working for the weekend!

Well, some of us thought it would never get here, but it is friday, and classes are finished!  Floormate L had her birthday and we're heading down to the Commons to celebrate.  I have a little bit of time to write, though, and I thought I'd update.  

Yesterday was a great day for me, actually.  I headed down to another dorm to watch an early-starting NFL kick-off, where I met some zealous Giants fans and a few Patriots fans who had decided to be Redskins fans for the day.  It's funny, up here, if you're a Redskins fan no one questions your affection for football.  Because you're obviously NOT bandwagoning.  That's for sure.  I was glad I was introduced by Jets fan K to the boys who had the t.v, because since they are very serious about football watching, they had actually purchased digital, high-def t.v.  Really.  They also have very overprotective mothers and therefore lots and lots of food.  Often, it works that way in college.  

Anyway, I had to leave early to head down to a sports section meeting, where my day was officially made.  We went through the issue that had come out that day, article by article.  My editor said the best things I could hear.  Really.  He said it was a great article and really clean, and it made things really easy for them because I got it in at such a great time and there wasn't much editing to be done. I'm learning.  Yay!  Then, to top things off, our faculty advisor came in to tell us all that based on this issue, the sports section is the strongest of the paper.  I practically died.  I'll have a lot of publishing online, which is where game reporting goes.  Now, the print sports section only publishes features, and I am scheduled to write one around mid-season after I pick up a good story and get to know the team better.  So I will be relishing this victory for a while.  The girls in my dorm cut out one of the copies and posted it on my door and wrote congrats all over the whiteboard.  So sweet!  

Classes are great.  My sports management teacher is hilarious and amazing.  She gets so into her lectures and debates, and she keeps everyone on his or her toes.  No one will EVER fall asleep in that class, I guarantee you.  

Weekend, but rain is supposed to come in tomorrow.  I hope there's not torrential rain while I'm sitting taking notes at the field hockey game.  That would be just fabulous.  

Why is it so hot here?  Isn't this why I came up North?  Hopefully the rain will bring a front in.   COLD one.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Make sure to save us a paper copy, so we can sell it on ebay when you are famous!