Wednesday, October 1, 2008


This morning I rolled out of bed ready to attack this day!  I was fully alert while taking lecture notes on the intricacies of media law!  I celebrated World Vegetarian Day largely because IC goes crazy for it! I even ate hummus!  I went to political communication and did nothing worth remarking on! 

In sports management today we did the craziest things, because we're learning about marketing. It's really fascinating.  We had to use some techniques we'd learned and apply them to some situations she'd given us. Mine?  I had to create a marketing and advertising campaign for a new women's pudding wrestling league in the feminist hotspot of Berkeley, California.  Really.  I had to include promotional tactics, giveaways, ads, the locations of ads, my target audience, and I also had to include methods of preventing protests that my info sheet said were already brewing.  Crazy, right?  Other people had challenges like marketing a NHL team for Honolulu, or Childrens Ultimate Fighting.  Really.  I love college.  

Oh, and really, I've been studying Nike campaigns, and they are fascinating.  The most interesting part?  The are horrifyingly terrible at marketing to women.  That "If You Let Me Play..." campaign?  Disgusting.  

Anyway, in cultural anthropology my professor kept lecturing about data collection in fieldwork and also about how awesome he is.  

Then, I shoved some EasyMac down my throat and booked it to the field hockey field, stuffing my sensible raincoat in my bag just in case.  THANK GOD.  It was like being at the John Mayer concert this summer, meaning there would have been puddles in my pants if I hadn't had that raincoat, minus 20 degrees.  I better not get sick.  It was disgusting, but THEY WON!!! The most annoying part was that I had trouble taking notes without soaking my notebook, and I fidgeted with covering it with my body while I scrawled, but it was useless.  I just used my recorder, which held up in the torrential downpour, in my interviews.  Oh, but hilariously horrible?  My goalie, who I did the feature on, did not play.  Really.  I just did a profile on the back-up goalie.   

In real life, this would probably require the article being killed.  Not so in college world, where in these features we have to pretend nothing is terribly wrong with our sports teams.  We can report on anything about professors or other scandal, but sports?  Everything is pretty much dandy.  Or we make it that way.  It's twisted.  

So I got soaked.  Then had dinner.  Oh.  Good news: I totally rocked my Mass Media test, which is 20% of my grade.  An A for Abby!  Also, we wrote up these AP style stories for a quiz in journalism, and Professor Loop said mine was the strongest in the class.  The only reason I did so well with this is because I'd done these run-down articles like 20 times with field hockey away games!  Otherwise, I would've had no clue.  So the Ithacan just got me my A+.  Work pays off sometimes, which is nice.  

Finally, I would just like to reiterate that I ate both hummus and easymac today.  I swear I am not turning into my sister.  I just respect her choices in food consumption.  


Anonymous said...

Nice to see what you're learning outside the classroom is helping you inside. Makes that extra work worthwhile.

Good thing you (ahem) packed that raincoat. :-)


Anonymous said...

Colidge - ur doin it rite! LOL