Friday, October 31, 2008

Prepping for Buffalo

So right now I'm taking a small break from stuffing wool socks and spandex-y things into my suitcase, to say nothing very interesting at all. 

Yesterday I went to (and covered) the Tom Wolfe lecture.  He was pretty interesting, white suit and wing-tipped shoes and all.  He said a lot of things about journalism that I liked.  He made the point that a good fiction writer has to be a good reporter.  He said young writers are often told to "write what they know," and so they write a very good first novel, using up about all 20 years or so of their knowledge.  He said the problem, then, is the second book.  He said writers often make the mistake in thinking that a good story is 95% talent and 5% content.  In reality, there is no substitute for good content.  You have to be willing to do the reporting, to be forced into alien situations.  

I liked that.  

I think my article came out well.  One nice thing is that my mens swimming and diving preview actually got pushed back until next issue, so my deadline was extended.  Yay!  

I'm so excited to go to an actual house!  

I can't wait for the GAME! 

Oh and I just had to mention the stupidest headline I've ever seen.  It was on  Oh yes, I go there. I am not ashamed.  Anyway, it was:

"Marion Jones: Giving Medals Back 'Tarnished' Olympic Memories"


Really? REALLY? 

On a happier note, there's only a few hours until Buffalo!


Anonymous said...

Have a blast and get some rest!

Anonymous said...

In the forward to his Collected Stories (one of my five favorite books) Wallace Stegner describes why he hasn't written a short story in many years. He quotes his first agent as saying that a short-story writer lives on his principle, using up beginnings and endings. I guess if you only have one beginning and ending it is better to use it up on a novel!