Monday, March 30, 2009

You Ask, I Oblige.

Some extremely attractive snapshots of Relay for Life! At least we look like sane people in the last one.

I love them all!

Anyway, today was fine. I'm surviving Monday. The only problem is that I just ate my last Thin Mint. This is tragic. 

Somehow I'll make it through. 

It's quite amazing: today I'm only at musical soundtrack stage. Obviously I'm an expert at being in denial. Or maybe I just have confidence that I can handle it all.  I e-mailed my advisor asking how to declare my second major, and he seemed skeptical that I would have time.  But this is because he is unaware of the 35 credits I came in with. They help. 

I just want it all approved so I can get started with my future. As melodramatic as that all sounds, it's true. 

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