Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Let's Do This Updating Thing!

It's Tuesday. I'm writing, which means I did actually end up surviving yesterday. Impressive. 

This weekend was pretty awesome. Saturday I rolled out of bed and booked it down to the inlet with my editor to grab some reactions at the crew meet. It was unbelievably windy. So much so that I had a hell of a time transcribing my interviews because of the insane howl of the wind dominating the tape. Not so fun. 

It was the last home crew meet of the year, however, which meant that the seniors all had to jump in the so-freezing-cold-it-snowed-this-week water. The women's coach pulled out a motor boat and hovered near them to make sure no one...well, died. It was a sight to see. 

Later, my future roomie A picked me up, because her family awesomely offered to take me in this weekend for Easter festivities. It was just nice to be in an actual house. We laid on the couch, watched movies, played Rock Band, and ate amazing food for the weekend. Sunday I EVEN WENT TO CHURCH with them. For those that know me, this is a rare occurrence. It was cute. The church even had a pre-service breakfast that included their tradition of ice cream rolled in corn flakes with cut strawberries on top. It may sound strange, but it was AMAZING. 

Yesterday...I just did. It was long. One of my assigned short stories that I had to read for homework was 22 pages long. I wasted a lot of energy whining about it. Then I discovered that my Global Studies reading was 108 pages long. Really. I realized this at 10:30 last night.

Good thing I plan ahead and have superior time management skills. 

This morning I had class that was wayyyy too early, and an interview at 11 that went very well. 

Now, I'm in the midst of a post-lunch haze. But at least I feel productive!

1 comment:

Abbysmom said...

I'm chilled just thinking about that cold water! You're on home stretch - stay with it!