Monday, January 25, 2010

First Day of Classes

If you follow my life at all, you'd know that today is the first day of classes for second semester. This is what went down. I'm a little too tired to make any of it actually interesting.

First I woke up to my alarm, which first sounded like it was in my dream, and wondered what was happening. "Am I on fire? Where am I? Why is it dark?" I thought. "Oh crap."

I got to News II extremely early, because that happens on the first day when I'm paranoid. There are only like eight people in that class. This is does not mean that it will be a better learning experience or anything. It's News II so it means I won't get to make nearly as pained facial expressions without being noticed. Basically it is the same class as News I--the bane of my existence--but meaner. Fun.

Then it was off to "Ideas and Ideologies" and the only real impression it made was that I was entirely surrounded by freshmen. It's a foundation class for the politics major and I spent most of it feeling falsely superior and inexplicably irritated.

Then finally I went to my Special Topics: The European Union class, and the jury is still out on that one. It could be fantastic and informative and useful. Or it could be insanely boring. Stay tuned. It's in an old lecture hall and the seats on our little flip out desk-y things are really low and cushy, so I feel oddly small and have to look up to see my professor. In a weird coincidence, my environmental class is in the same classroom tomorrow. Because I have a politics class in the Center for National Sciences.

Of course I do.

We had our beginning of the semester meeting for crew, and as usual it was the least annoying part of my day. We learned our schedule for the rest of winter training all the way up to spring break, and got fitted for our uniforms. I nearly passed out from excitement. We also filled out documents for the sports information people, which will eventually go on the Bombers website. I used them all the time for writing articles, and now I'll have one! Now I too can have a little descriptive sentence saying, "Abby, daughter of Kirsten and Mark, is awesome. She swam and played field hockey at Albert Einstein. She was even a captain of the swim team, which makes her sound extremely accomplished. See how upstanding and well-rounded Ithaca College students are?"

Or something like that. Maybe.

Tomorrow, I have my fake science class and Legislative Behavior. And lifting at 7am. Which is totally cool and everything, because I don't have class until 10:50. Oh, but I will be there anyway. For funsies.

And THAT was my first day of class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice intro to your next semester, bet you did not set the alarm today for your first class at 10;50
