Wednesday, July 28, 2010

7 Year-Old Me Would Have Really Enjoyed This

I'm not sure what year it was and I'm way to lazy to figure it out, but when I was young(er) we had a storm that knocked the power out for days.


We stayed warm with the woodstove in our back room and cooked on camp stoves, eating and hanging out by candlelight. At that age I would sometimes pretend that I was Laura Ingalls in the Little House on the Prarie books and this made my games even better. I'd also sometimes pretend I was Heidi, crawling up to my bed of hay in a barn loft. I therefore thought having no power was the best thing ever.

Flash forward to the past three days, during which I went crazy. On Monday I had some relief when I went with my friend Anna to the mall, which was partially lit up by generators. We were in a desperate search for coffee, but we ended up having a blast trying on ridiculous clothes and all kinds of makeup samples under emergency lighting. It was so much fun.

Then, however, all my babysitting gigs were cancelled. Like, all of them. This meant that I actually had nothing to do with myself. It kind of made me sad that I felt bored. I'd never really had that problem when I was younger.

Of course, I'd always had Claire to annoy when I got bored, which was typically my first choice of activity.

(Sorry, Claire!)

But now I'm looking toward the best weekend ever because my sister AND my roommate are coming to visit. And I




1 comment:

Stimey said...

Dude. I so hear you. It's way less fun to not have power when you're a grown up.

Also? Sorry to be one of those people who yanked a babysitting gig away from you. See you Friday morning?

Hooray for your weekend plans too!