Wednesday, September 3, 2008

College students can play disney trivia too

Okay.  I'm updating my blog this morning because I have discovered it is much easier to work in the mornings because everyone else is either asleep or at an early class.  So I get up much earlier than I have to, usually around seven, even though I don't have class until 10 today.  I'm starting to get into a rhythm, which usually involves me half-falling out of my bed, because it is a really abnormal height, grabbing at my keys in the dark, pulling on clothes and stumble blindly over to La Vincinta (complaining to myself that I can't believe how cold it is and, "Man, I should have worn a sweatshirt!") the little coffee shop, where I grab a nice black coffee and a totally unhealthy bagel with cream cheese.  Then it's back to the room, and I distract myself a little, do some reading, go over notes, and now, unproductively update my blog.  

Yesterday I had intro to journalism, where Professor Loop likes to scare the crap out of us and talk about our moral duties toward democracy and the dire importance of proper punctuation.  Then I trotted up to Political Communication, which even though it gives me the most reading and such, I love this class.  We discussed Sarah Palin at length, playing devil's advocate and discussing the implications of McCain's pick on the election.  We then discussed how and to what extent the media should cover her personal affairs and such.  I talk about all this stuff in my free time, but no one wants to listen to me then.  Roommate: "Who is Sarah Palin?"  

I had a small break and I tried to make popcorn with some people, but because I fail at making any sort of food for myself, it didn't even inflate or anything and kind of bust a hole in the side.  Oh yes.  I can't even handle popcorn.  So we ran and got smoothies instead, which is really addicting and I think I really need to limit my smoothie intake.  It will be difficult.  Floormate K and I discussed the merits of becoming obese so we could roll to class (seeing as Ithaca is on one giant hill) especially when we become lazier with cooler temperatures.  We decided the millions of stairs might be somewhat harmful.

Then Mass Media, which always scares me to death, and I'm not sure why.  My teacher is very nice, but very strict, and so for some reason I am always on edge.  Who knows.  

I got dinner with friend A and then I went to "The Ithacan Boot Camp!" Which is a mandatory thing for new writers for the Ithacan, which you are supposed to attend before publishing anything.  I guess they didn't tell the sports editors.  Anyway, we went over libel laws, and how a private college doesn't really have to tell you anything, and a little about AP style format.  We have another session with camera tech on the 13th.  

Oh, but in between everything I did get to video chat with friend S at Towson, which made me oh-so-happy!!  I totally miss my girls back home even though they aren't exactly...back home.  That's what Thanksgiving break is for, I guess.  

I played disney trivia with some of my floormates last night (yes, we just reek maturity).  They are absolutely fabulous and hilarious and I'm very glad I'm living in Boothroyd. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Posted at 5:05 AM!!!??? Nice to have your blog in the AM, I get going/out about 10:00 AM and it is now here then. Use the M/H computer, then print it out for Amma. What great Blogs, feel like we are there and talking to you every day.

We had a nice Monday lunch with your parents, your other grandmother and Claire. Was interesting to see the RPI campus and Claire's dorm. Now want to do the same with you.

Your Dad helped put all the boats away, this means that summer is over! But we are now having summer weather and you should be receiving the same.

Love, Papa