Monday, September 1, 2008

I Did It!

Man, after the nervousness that was my last post, it's so great to write this entry.  The past couple days have been more stressful than my entire senior year.  That was mainly because I cared so much about doing the fall preview well, and making a good impression.  A little of it is that I'm a big believer in working to earn your position, I think, and I got thrown into this awesome position without really doing much to get it!  I wanted to prove to them that the risk was a good one to take.  I think it worked out pretty well.  I'm much more comfortable starting off with wire-carrying duties at the Inquirer and teleprompting duties (where I will have a mentor) at The Gridiron Report, because they totally recognize my lack of experience, and they're all about giving it to me. Half the kids in journalism I meet were the editor of their school paper or whatever. 

But I'm the one published on the website already!  I don't know if the link will work, but it's on, in sports updates.  They edited the living daylights out of it, and it's just a short blurb, but hey, it was my first try!  

I'm learning so fast it's insane.  Everyone says you end up learning more from joining the paper and the t.v shows than you do in a classroom, because it's a real world setting.  It's true Hopefully, I'm already developing a thicker skin and a thicker stomach lining.  Really.  

As chaotic as everything is right now, I have this weird feeling like I'm doing things basically right.  I wasn't so sure of that earlier this weekend, and the fear and stress was so bad at one point I wondered if I had made the right choice to jump into the paper so quickly and deeply as I had, taking on early responsibility and such a time commitment as being the beat reporter.  I know it sounds cheesy, but I'm really proud of myself that I pulled this off.  Before I left my parents told me to just go after it.  I think I did.  And I'm really glad this preview is done.  

It should be published Thursday, I hope.  If it does get published in the paper, which I hope/think it will, I am stealing a hundred copies and keeping them forever.  

Bottom line: I'm really happy and also relieved that I get to spend the week in classrooms!
I chose the right school.

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